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What is the truck's electronically controlled engine

The biggest difference between an electronically controlled engine and a carburetor engine is in the fuel supply system. The fuel supply system of the electronic control engine cancels the carburetor, but adds a lot of electronic automatic control devices. This includes many sensors, actuators and ecus. Electronic Control engine not only to complete the carburetor to complete the task, but also to complete the carburetor difficult to complete the task

Taking the engine speed and load as the basic signals to reflect the actual working conditions of the engine, and referring to the corresponding fuel injection quantity and fuel injection timing pulse diagram obtained from the tests, the basic fuel injection quantity and fuel injection timing are determined, then according to various factors (such as water temperature, oil temperature, atmospheric pressure, etc.) to compensate for it, so as to get the best fuel injection and fuel injection timing or ignition timing, and then through the actuator to control the output

The electronic control Fuel injection can control the injection parameters (such as injection quantity, injection timing, injection pressure, injection rate, etc.) optimally according to the operating conditions

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  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
  • What is the truck's electronically controlled engine
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